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Complex coding concepts explained through visual diagrams

Anupam Chugh
Better Programming
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2 min readJun 18, 2022

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Hey everyone,

Welcome to the 32nd edition of Coffee Bytes, a newsletter by Better Programming. We hope you had a week full of meaningful work.

I always consider diagrams as an effective way of learning a concept. In this issue, we’ve compiled some selected posts that explain concepts through visual introductions.

NumPy Illustrated: The Visual Guide to NumPy

Lev takes a great visual intro as the starting point and expands upon it by creating a comprehensive visual guide to understand concepts in a better way.

C++ Smart Pointer Explained Through Intuitive Visuals

Pointers is one construct that’s difficult to understand when starting out. Let Joseph’s visual exploration guide your ship through it.

How Terraform Works: A Visual Intro

I haven’t dabbled much with Terraform in my career. Perhaps because the tool didn’t feel approachable to me as a learner. But Bill’s visual illustrations certainly made the framework easier to grasp.

Solutions Architect Tips — The 5 Types of Architecture Diagrams

Ever wanted to build complex conceptual architectures that can easily put your idea across the table? Go no further as Allen crafts some popular architectural diagrams which I’m sure many would inspire many solutions architects.

Animating Regular Expressions With Python and Graphviz

Any regex task can terrify developers. Aydin shows it’s not that difficult to understand by visualizing it. I’d bet writing regular expressions won’t be as scary after reading this piece.

The Clean Architecture — Beginner’s Guide

As explained through visual illustrations by Bharath

10 JavaScript Promise Challenges Before You Start an Interview

This one by bytefish promises to clear your Promise fundamentals. A must-read before your next interview.

Struggling With Webpack? Understand It Through Illustrations

Webpack is a fairly common front-end development tool. To move past its complexities and know how it works under the hood, do glance at this post comprising of neat animations.

How To Get Started With Visual Diagrams?

Here are two resources that might get your creative juices flowing:

That wraps up this piece. Until next time,

Anupam and the Better Programming team.

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Very interesting


Great article


Nice compilation! Thanks for including me 😀
