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The Problem With Too Many JavaScript Frameworks
Too many cooks spoil the broth
I remember reading or hearing a story a while back about the problem with too many choices.
There was a company that created a drink consisting of vegetables and fruit. Everyone loved the drink, for various reasons. Some loved it because it tasted good, some loved it because it would get their mothers off their back with the whole “eat your vegetables” thing.
Everyone knew what the drink was about and what the company was about and their sales were steady.
Then, something changed.
Management decided to expand their range of drinks and started including flavors that derailed from the original, healthy drink image. People started getting confused about what that company was about. Sales suffered.
Which brings me neatly to today’s topic: The abundance of JS frameworks and the problem that this creates.
At first, there was jQuery. Don’t get me wrong, I get why there was a need to improve jQuery as apps got bigger and SPAs became a thing. At first, there was AngularJS — the first JavaSscript framework I worked with besides jQuery — and I was going great with it.
Around the same time, ReactJS also appeared, which was better than AngularJS in…