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The First Principles For A Successful Serverless Adoption!
Enterprise-scale serverless adoption demands discipline

Five years ago, at a conference, I watched someone live-code, deploy, and invoke a lambda function to show the audience Hello, Serverless!
The speaker then proclaimed — Serverless is easy! Many continue to believe in that proclamation to this day.
The ‘Hello, Serverless!’ Syndrome
Writing a lambda function to show Hello, Serverless!
is a breeze. I’m sure many of us started our careers by writing a Hello, World!
program. Nothing is wrong with this simple and easy start, but when enterprises take this gentle measure of serverless-is-easy as their yardstick to dive deep into it with minimal or no preparation, they get caught in a gusty whirlwind.
More than exploring serverless by experimenting with simple lambda functions alone is required to build and operate production-ready, enterprise-scale sustainable serverless applications. Serverless technology is an ecosystem, and lambda functions are just one of many factors in that ecosystem.
The serverless mindset
Serverless requires a new way of:
- thinking (stateless, asynchronous)