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Sort and Filter Dynamic Data in Table With JavaScript
Build custom reusable sort function in plain JavaScript

By reading this article, you will learn to implement generic sort and filter functions for your dynamically created table in plain JavaScript. At the end of the tutorial, you should be able to achieve the following result:

Based on the gif above, you can sort the table based on the column value in ascending or descending order simply by clicking on the header of the column. This is applicable for any type of data be it string, integer or float as long as there is no undefined value in the data.
Besides that, you can key in any keywords in the input box above the table to filter rows of data that are relevant to the input text. Filtering works hand-in-hand with table sorting allowing frontend users to get the desired information seamlessly.
In fact, you can even customize it based on your own use cases. For example, you can implement your own code to highlight the matching cell in the table as follows: