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Play Around With StoreKit 2 in iOS 15
An update 10 Years in the Making

StoreKit was released for iOS 3.0 a long long time ago — of course, Apple continued to make adjustments, but no major updates. That is until this year at WWDC2021 when Apple announced StoreKit 2, the first major revision in over a decade.
Join me to take a brief tour of the client-side code for this new framework from Apple — although just before you do — be warned StoreKit 2.0 needs iOS15, and if you need to support iOS 14 or less then you should perhaps start here.
Watching the WWDC presentation on the subject and reviewing the code I can understand why they decided to call this StoreKit 2. The new API itself is split into five areas namely, products, purchases, transaction info, transaction status, and subscription status.
An update with some major changes, most notably the replacement of the delegate pattern with the new concurrency async await syntax and the changing of the format of the receipts to JSON, signed using JSON web signatures aka the x5c standard. A single receipt for every transaction. I noted downloading the demo, that it is based on a SwiftUI interface to — take note UIKit stalwarts.
The other major upgrade that I noted in the presentation was linked to the user experience, with StoreKit 2 automatically…