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How to Make a Pokémon-Like Game With ERC-721 Tokens
ERC-721 tokens: What they are? How do they work? How can we use them?

ERC-20 vs. ERC-721
At the height of the ICO bubble in 2017, ERC-20 tokens were everywhere. They were used as a form of crowdfunding by tech companies, with some claiming future use of those tokens on their platform.
ERC-20 tokens are like currency. Every dollar is valued the same as every other dollar. Exchanging a one-dollar note for another, and you essentially have the same thing. This is what’s known as a fungible token.
ERC-721 tokens are like collectables. Every Pokemon card is not the same as every other Pokemon card. Even cards representing the same Pokemon are valued differently. Some cards are in better condition than others, some are limited or special edition, etc. One Pikachu card does not always equal another Pikachu card. This is what’s known as a non-fungible token.
But How?
The ERC-721 standard describes the interface that any non-fungible token must adhere to to be considered ERC-721.
Fortunately, we don’t need to create new code to satisfy this standard every time we want to create an ERC-721. Community-maintained libraries exist that cut this corner for…