How Does an Interviewer Assess Candidates?

My favorite interviewing experiences published on Better Programming

Anupam Chugh
Better Programming


Hey Better Programming readers,

I hope y’all are doing well. Last week we covered the job interview experiences of some of our contributors. I hope it helps your next job interview process go a lot more smoothly.

Even so, it takes two to tango. So, knowing how your hiring manager is thinking is an invaluable asset for acing interviews. This week, we have four of our contributors sharing their insights gained from hours interviewing candidates for different roles.

So, without further ado, let’s get some advice from the other side of the interview table.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Advice From an Ex-Tech Recruiter to a Self-Taught Programmer

Self-taught programming isn’t a smooth journey, and the road only gets bumpier if you’re looking to get a foot in the door at your dream company. After recruiting so many candidates, Angelica Dietzel shares eight pieces of advice to help self-taught developers stand out in interviews.

Photo by Daoud Abismail on Unsplash

5 Tech Interview Mistakes That Subtly Scream Inexperience

After conducting dozens of interviews, Aris Pattakos jots down five indicators that give away the inexperienced candidate. My takeaway from the story is to stop focusing on the “what” and start emphasizing the “why.”

Photo by dhe haivan on Unsplash

How to Ace the Coding Interview, by an Ex-Facebook Interviewer

The greatest fear of most candidates in an interview is being asked an out-of-the-syllabus question. Ish Baid reveals: “Our goal as the interviewer is always to extract as much signal as possible. This means if we detect that you’ve heard the problem before, it’s our job to switch questions.

Check out the piece for more hidden gems from Facebook’s interviewing process.

Photo by @kaleidico on Unsplash.

5 Tips for Cracking the Technical Interview

Coder’s Cat pens some tips to ace your next interview. And it doesn’t end with what you need to know as an interviewee — it goes further, with some invaluable insights on what interviewers prefer. A clear thought process, passion, and curiosity for the role are two of the many things hiring managers look for.

That wraps up this edition. I’d love to know your thoughts and any specific themes you’d like us to cover.

Until then, that’s a wrap. Thanks for reading!

Anupam and the Better Programming team



iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!