Go Basics: Filesystem IO
A basic guide to working with files & directories in Go

Reading and writing to disk and navigating the filesystem is a staple in any language. Let’s learn how to do it in Go with os, a package that lets us interact with operating system functionality.
Creating & Opening Files
Reading Files
Writing & Appending to Files
Removing FilesDirectories
Creating Directories
Navigating & Reading Directories
Walking through a Directory
Creating & Opening Files
File creation can be done with os.Create
and opening a file is done with os.Open
. Both take in a file path and return a File
struct and a non-nill error if unsuccessful.
If you call os.Create
on an existing file, it will truncate the file: the file’s data is erased. In contrast, calling os.Open
on a non-existing file will result in an error.
If successful, we can then use the returned File
struct to write and read data to the file (There will be an example of opening a file, reading it chunk by chunk, and closing it in the next section).
Finally, it is good to close the returned file after interacting with it by using File.Close
Reading Files
One way we can process a file is by reading all its data at one time. We can do this with os.ReadFile
. The input is the file path and the output is a byte array of the file’s data and an error if unsuccessful.
If we are processing a text file, we need to convert the output byte array into a string in order to get the file text.
Keep in mind that os.ReadFile
will read the entire file and load its data into memory. If the file is large, using os.ReadFile
will consume large amounts of memory.
A memory performant approach is to process the file chunk by chunk, which can be done using os.Open
After opening the file, File.Read
is repeatedly called till EOF (end of file).
takes in a byte array, b
and loads up to len(b)
bytes from the file into b
. It then returns the number of bytes read, bytesRead
and an error if something goes wrong. If bytesRead
is 0, that means we hit EOF, and are done processing the file.
In the above code, we are loading a max of 10 bytes from the file, processing the bytes, and repeating this process till EOF.
For larger files, this approach consumes a lot less memory than loading the entire file once.
Writing & Appending to Files
Analogous to os.ReadFile
, there is os.WriteFile
, a function to write bytes to a file.
Things to note about os.WriteFile
- Be sure to convert the data you want to write into
before passing it intoos.WriteFile
. - The permission bits are needed to create the file if it doesn’t already exist. Don’t worry too much about them.
- If the file path already exists,
will override the initial data in the file with the new data that is being written.
is a neat way to make a new file or override it, but it doesn’t work when we need to append to a file’s existing contents. In order to append to a file, we will need to leverage os.OpenFile
According to the docs, os.OpenFile
is a more generalized version of os.Open
and os.Create
. Both os.Create
and os.Open
internally call it.
In addition to the file path, os.OpenFile
takes in an int flags
and an int perm
, the permission bits, and returns a File
struct. In order to perform operations like reading and writing, the right combination of flags
must be provided to os.OpenFile
We can combine O_APPEND
with a bitwise OR and pass it into os.OpenFile
to get a File
struct. If we then call File.Write
with whatever data we pass in, the data will get appended to the end of the file.
Removing Files
takes in a path to a file or an empty directory and deletes the file/directory. If the file doesn’t exist, a non-nil error will be returned.
Now that we learned the basics of working with files, let’s dive into working with directories.
Creating Directories
In order to create a new directory, we can use os.Mkdir
. os.Mkdir
takes in the directory name and the permission bits, and makes a new directory. A non-nil error will be returned if the function cannot make the directory.
In some situations, we may need temporary directories which exist only during the execution of the program. os.MkdirTemp
can be utilized to make such directories.
ensures that the temp directories created have unique names even when called by multiple goroutines or programs (source). Moreover, once you are done working with the temp directory, ensure to delete it and its contents with os.RemoveAll
Navigating & Reading Directories
To begin, we can get the current working directory with os.Getwd
Then, os.Chdir
can be used to change the working directory.
In addition to changing the working directory, we can get directory children with os.ReadDir
. os.ReadDir
takes in a directory path and returns an array of DirEntry
structs and a non-nill error if unsuccessful.
Here is its usage:
Walking through a Directory
With os.Chdir
& os.ReadDir
, we can walk through all the files and sub-directories in a parent directory, but the path/filepath package provides an elegant way of doing this with the filepath.WalkDir
takes in root
, the directory where will walk from, and a callback function fn
of the following type:
type WalkDirFunc func(path string, d DirEntry, err error) error
will be called on each file and sub-directory in root
. Here is an example of counting all the files in a root directory.
provides another function called filepath.Walk
which has the same behavior as filepath.WalkDir
. However, the docs state that filepath.Walk
is less efficient than filepath.WalkDir
. As a result, using filepath.WalkDir
may be more ideal.
I wrote this article as an exercise for learning Go, and with it, I hoped to introduce you to the basics of working with files & directories. As an exercise, I recommend implementing your own version of filepath.WalkDir
Thank you for your reading!