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Flutter vs. React Native: The Ultimate Comparison for Your Next Project
Know which framework to choose
Over the years, it’s become common for developers to compare Flutter and React Native. Both are prevalent multi-platform tools for quickly and easily building mobile applications.
If you walk into a developer meetup and ask the question, “What should I pick, Flutter or React Native?”, you’re setting the stage for a very spirited debate.
In this blog post, let’s try to answer this question fairly and respectfully. In the end, the choice of platform is only one of many factors in the success of applications.
Before we get started, it’s important to mention that by day, I’m a Flutter Developer. Although this blog post has been reviewed by both our Flutter and React Native engineering teams, I think it’s important to clarify.
It’s also important to mention that at Stream, we have experience using both frameworks. In fact, we’ve dedicated teams for each Chat Messaging SDK. This
benefits the greater developer community in that teams considering Stream aren’t forced to adopt a framework they don’t want to use in order to provide their end-users with a seamless chat experience.