Build a Simple CRM With Django and HTMX — Project Setup

Introduction to backend development

John Galiszewski
Better Programming
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2022


In my last article, I wrote about handling htmx page reloads using mixins/middleware. In this article, we’ll be using the final option from the previous tutorial, or you can use the package I’ve put together, django-htmx-refresh.


My goal for this series is to teach you how to create a dynamic CRUD application to keep track of clients and their contact information using Django and htmx.


I’ll be using the following software:

As well as a few additional Django packages:

Don't forget to create a virtual environment and install these requirements there. I won’t be covering how to create a virtual environment in this article.

Note: I’ll be loading the htmx and Bootstrap documents from a CDN, but both documentations recommend you install them locally during production.

Project Setup

Let’s start by creating our Django project.

python3 -m django startproject simple_crm

Inside the project directory, there is another directory by the same name containing the project's settings; Rename this directory core to avoid any confusion. After that, we need to change some settings for our project to work correctly.

In,, and change the following line:

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'simple_crm.settings')


os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'core.settings')

Now we can add all the settings we’ll need in our

A new configuration you’ll notice is HTMX_APPS; Utilized by the django_htmx_refresh app. It ensuresHtmxResponseMiddleware only affects apps we explicitly define, preventing errors with the default Django admin or other third-party apps. It also requires an application namespace, which we’ll define later in the core/

Next, we’ll create the templates directory inside of our project directory.

cd simple_crm
mkdir templates

Then we can start the client_relationship_manager application.

python3 startapp client_relationship_manager

At this point, your project directory will look something like this:

Creating the Backend

When starting a new application, I like to write the models first; This gives us something to connect our views to when we get to them. Here we’ll create a model called Client which will store a client's contact information.



Next, we’ll establish the URLs our app will need. Inside the core/, we’ll quickly include our new app’s file, which we’ll create next. Don’t forget to add an application namespace for the django_htmx_refresh app to use.

Now we create the client_relationship_manager/ file and add the paths to our basic CRUD views. We’ll also add names to our URL patterns to perform URL reversing.


Now we can create our views. We’ll be inheriting ListView for our homepage and search results page. The rest will be generic CRUD views.

Notice how each view defines a template_name. The HtmxResponseMiddleware intercepts the template_name attribute then determines if the response has an htmx instance attached to it and returns the appropriate template. We’ll also pass a form_class to the CreateClientView and UpdateClientView

Next, inside of SearchResultsView , we’ll override the get_queryset method. Inside that method, we’ll get the query from the request, filter all Client objects by the given search query, and return the results.

Finally, override get_success_url in the create, update, and delete views. They need to return a success message and render the proper URL.


We create custom form classes to add class selectors to each form element without writing the forms out manually. It also allows us the option to expand form functionality in the future.

Starting the Server

Let's start the server now, beginning with making the necessary migrations.

python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate

Then create a superuser by running the below command and following the prompt in the terminal.

python3 createsuperuser

Now start the server by running:

python3 runserver

Finally, visit in your web browser. You’ll see a TemplateDoesNotExist error similar to this image:

Be sure Django is checking for the index.html file inside templates/crm as seen above. If it isn't, that means the HtmxResponseMiddleware isn't aware of the client_relationship_manager application and you need to check the HTMX_APPSsetting.


The backend is ready to go. In part two of this series, we’ll build our templates and start getting our hands dirty with htmx. I recommend reading my first article if you'd like to learn more about the HtmxResponseMiddleware we used here today.

Update: Let’s finish this app in Part two!




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